Course Type
Discover the joy of storytelling as we blend fantasy and systemic functional linguistics. Using Dr. Maria Brisk’s approach, students will create original narratives guided by the mentor text, “Girl of Fire and Thorns.” In this course, students explore functional language that aligns with Common Core reading standards to strengthen narrative construction. The course culminates with the collaborative construction of an original fantasy narrative. This course is inclusive, offering accommodations for a range of learning needs, including students with disabilities and SDD levels 1-5.
Unleash your creative voice! Students will craft fantasy narratives and independently create original children’s books grounded in social justice themes that inspire change.
State Standards
RL 6/7.2
Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of a text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.
RL 6/7.4
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices, including those that create repeated sounds and rhythms in poetry, on meaning, tone (i.e., author’s attitude toward subject or audience), or mood (i.e., emotional atmosphere). (See grade 6 Language Standards 4–6 on applying knowledge of vocabulary to reading.)
Supports Available to Students
Tier 1 (Supports provided to ALL students)
- Weekly comprehension of grade-level literature standards (Mondays)
- Weekly practice of these strategies at scaffolded levels (Tuesdays)
- Use of cognates and translanguaging to comprehend academic vocabulary
- Weekly coconstruction and independent construction of narratives (perspective chosen by students)
- Creation of an original children’s narrative to teach about a theme important to each student
Tier 2 (Supports provided to targeted SMALLER groups of students)
- ELD level 1’s will receive direct translation of necessary texts
- Opportunities for bridging and translanguaging
- Scaffolded comic book-style summaries of key chapters of the core novel
- Sentence frames and starters to assist with written responses
Tier 3 (Intensive supports provided to SMALL groups or INDIVIDUAL students)
- See above as most of the EL strategies are universally designed for students on IEPs and with specific needs.
- Heterogeneous groupings
- Cite Text Evidence When Analyzing a Text
- Writing Skills; Drafts and Revisions
- Research and Language Skills