« Back to TeamChad d’Entremont, Ph.D. is the Executive Director of the Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy. Widely recognized as Massachusetts’ preeminent voice in public education reform, the Rennie Center creates open spaces for educators and policymakers to consider evidence, discuss cutting-edge issues, and develop new approaches to advance student learning and achievement.
Dr. d’Entremont has worked to advance education improvement in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, among other major metropolitan areas, as well as with more than 100 communities in Massachusetts. For example, he led a $4.5 million investment by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to improve instructional and assessment practices in 14 school districts and 75 schools supporting nearly 3,000 educators. He also led a $1 million federal project to aid 15 urban districts in improving career pathways for roughly 150,000 students. Dr. d’Entremont’s approach to building capacity among education leaders, practitioners, community members, and families to drive change is captured in his 2017 book Improving Education Together: A Guide to Labor-Management-Community Collaboration. Prior to coming to the Rennie Center, Dr d’Entremont served as a classroom teacher, ran a prominent academic research center, and led Massachusetts’ successful $50 million Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge application. He has a Ph.D. in Education Policy & Social Analysis from Teachers College, Columbia University.